Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sanit Petka Chapel Reflection

On Wednesday, February 2nd 2011,  the 8th grade took a field trip to Saint Petka Chapel at Kalemegdan. At the chapel, we were instructed to look at all the wonderful mosaics that decorated then inside of the chapel. We then had to choose one to sketch and study. The mosaic I chose was one that pictured both Saint Sava and Saint Simeon. I focused mainly on the half the included Saint Sava. In the mosaic, Saint Sava is holding a book with a cross on the cover. I would assume that it is a bible but I can not be entirely sure of this. In the mosaic, Saint Sava appears to be located on a hill in the middle of nowhere. His feet are also not touching the ground as if he were floating in mid air. Also in the mosaic, their is a symbol that was in the shape of a two headed eagle. I assume that the symbol is a christian symbol but it could easily also be an eastern orthodox one too. The other half of the mosaic that I chose to sketch included Saint Simeon. He was much the same as Saint Sava except for the different looks, and instead of a book, the was holding a cross. I think that our trip to Saint Petka's chapel was a great learning experience for me. I had no previous knowledge of mosaics in Serbia so it was great to go out and look at some for school.

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