Sunday, May 15, 2011

Feudalism and the Manor System, Why Poor Peasants Remained Poor

Feudalism- Was a form of government in medieval Europe. In this  form of government, land was owned by either a king or a lord but was being operated by vassals. In return, the kings or lords would offer them their loyalty.

The Manor System- The Manor System was how a feudalistic government's economy was run. The economy was a based on a Manor, an estate that included farm fields, pastures, and in some cases, entire villages.

In Medieval times, peasants were very poor. Almost all of them worked on farms for vassals or, they owned little plots of land but were forced to give half of their crop to a vassal or their lord. Because of this, many peasants lived their entire lives with very little money. In a sense, peasants were born into what seemed to be a dead end job with little or no chance of breaking away from the fields or manors and moving up in the social class. I think that because of this, they believed that they were going to have to live out their lives working tirelessly day-in, day-out for their lord.


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